It was another stunning today, and so I enjoyed working on the canoe all afternoon. It was pretty productive too.
First I uncovered the hull and clamped the cradles from the sold strong back, onto the sawhorses. It was so good to see the hull sitting right way up again.
Then I checked out my newly epoxied bulkheads. They turned out great and seem to fit fine.
Before applying another coat of epoxy, I decided to get the rest of the interior components sorted. I set up my power tools in the yard, and some pleasant hours flew by, thinking, digging around for stock and making up actual parts.
So now I've got a ring frame, two 'waes' (beams that the crossbeams [iakos] lash to), and stringers for the seats and foot controls.
Plenty more to go, but I'm happy to finally be making actual progress again. I'm hoping the weather forecast is wrong. I've set myself the goal of being afloat by Christmas THIS year. At least then I would've managed to complete her within five years (but only just).