Haven't made the sort of progress I'd hoped for today. In fact, it's about 1330 in the afternoon, I'm sitting here soaking wet & today's barely started work has been hastily thrown into the shed & shut away. Perhaps I should explain.
Today was to be the big mold cutting day. A bit tired from yesterday, I had a bit of a late start and enjoyed a liesurely morning. Eventually I made an effort and got everything set up under my shelter (it looked like it might rain). Once ready to roll, I had a quick lunch with my wife, then sauntered out to my "Boatshop". Initially unconcerned at the light drizzle that had begun to fall, I happily donned my personal protective equipment & began to jigsaw the molds out.
Unfortunately, the suspected inadequacies of my canoe's weather protection system quickly became apparent, when I felt my feet getting really wet. Looking down, I saw torrents of water cascading along the ground. With the earmuffs on and the jigsaw going, I didn't realise that the drizzle had grown in intensity to a thunderstorm and downpour. Vaguely aware that extension cord/power board combinations laying in puddles, whilst operating power tools and standing in ankle deep water is often considered uncool, I thought it might be time to beat a hasty retreat.
Expecting my whole boatshop floor to instantly become a constant supply of electricity looking for some place human to go, I hopped & jumped around to the powerpoint & shut it down. I proceeded to grab everything, race through the pouring rain & throw it all unceremoniously into the cramped haven of my shed. I then quickly shut the shed up & squelched back to the house with the sight & sound of lightning ringing in my ears. Could someone up there be trying to tell me something?
The photos below depict the calm before the storm (litterally).
So, that brings us back to the opening paragraph. Here I sit, still wet, lamenting what could've been today. It's still bucketing down outside & it doesn't look like letting up. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
PS: Just as I was about to hit "Publish Post" for this posting, I heard a big "Rrrriiiiiiiiipppp!" sound. Looking out the window, I was greeted with the sight of my "shelter" all collapsed & my strongback sitting in the open & exposed to the elements. Back out in to the storm I went and, in the pouring rain & lightning, hurriedly untied the 100, 000, 000 ropes and jury rigged/wrapped the lot around the stongback.
So, I've not only lost a day's productivity, but I've also effectively gone backwards. My expensive heavy duty tarp, which I spent days working on, is in tatters. Ironically, the second I got back inside, the storm has suddenly dropped to a light drizzle again. On the radio, they reckon the traffic is an absolute mess now due to local flooding. Think I should call up the station and apologise to everyone?
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