The bloke is a true gentleman.
Speaking of helpful characters, last night I went over to my brother in law's house and he generously gave me some glue to try on the build. It's a grey, waterproof adhesive/sealant (sort of like Sikaflex). Not sure of its suitability yet, so I spent today experimenting with it a bit.
Firstly, I made up a laminating jig and had a go at laminating up a pretend stem. I also utilised various types of tape, to see which ones the work sticks to & which ones it doesn't. It was bloody messy work and the strakes kept sliding out of alignment, but it's all done now. We'll see how it turns out.
Then I wanted to make up a "test panel", which is recommended in Gary's book. Using some offcuts, I made up a couple of simulated molds and some little planking strakes. I stapled the first strake and will now wait until I finalise my decision on what glue to use, before I finish it & fiberglass it all.
I then went on to scarf a couple of lengths of cedar together, to try & make a decent fairing batten.
I'm now entering a crap part of my roster at work from tomorrow, which means that I only get next Tuesday off. I plan to make as much progress as I can on that day, so that on my next spell off (the following week), I should be able to finally start planking. I'm very keen to get this boat built within the next couple of months.
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